1. If the sheikh takes his staff in his right hand
Then say four takbeers over him, for he is doomed
١. إذا أمسك الشيخ العصا بيمينه
فكبّر عليه أربعا فهو هالك
2. His closest kin shall carry his bier
An outcast, with all paths closed to him
٢. يملّ ثواه الأقربون ويتدي
طريدا وقد ضاقت عليه المسالك
3. He will be scorned by his family after a time
Of honor in his youth, his black hair now wretched
٣. يهون على أهليه بعد كرامة
زمان الصبا والراس أسود حالك
4. Especially if he was left-handed or crooked
You'll find him in hellfire before his death, accursed
٤. ولا سيّما إن كفّ أو كان أحنفا
تلقاه قبل الموت بالنار مالك