1. His face showed defeat
When the pain was etched on his cheek
١. لاح على وجهه انكسار
إذ خط في خدّه العذار
2. He became a donkey though he was hardness
The hardness and the donkey cannot be equal
٢. صار حمارا وكان خشفا
لا يستوي الخشف والحمار
3. He came in front and turned his back
And said a word with brevity
٣. أقبل إدباره فولّى
وقال قولا به اختصار
4. I am the one who said no
Except you night and day
٤. أنا الذي كنت قلت كلا
غيرك الليل والنهار
5. Thorns have grown in the roads
So escaping from your land was good
٥. قد نبت الشوك في السواقي
فطاب من أرضك الفرار