1. And a cell of what I was alone with
Has become blaming me for no fault
١. وخليّةٍ ممّا خلوت به
أضحت تلوم لغير ما ذنب
2. They said I was alone drinking a drink
And harming with the cool freshness
٢. قالوا خلوت بشرب رائقة
وتشويه بالبارد العذب
3. Alone without a friend or brother
With a good repentance, a tender heart
٣. متفرّد من صاحب وأخ
حسن الندامة منية القلب
4. I said, "Calm down about me without anger
And leave the blame, I have no fault"
٤. قلت اسكني عنّي بلا خرسٍ
ودعي الملام لغير ما ذنب
5. By God, I found a dwelling
I would have put it in the eye and heart
٥. والله صادفت لي سكنا
لجعلته في العين والقلب
6. The love of men has gone so there is
No settlement for me after war
٦. ذهبت مودت الرجال فما
لا مقيما لي على حرب
7. Between me and the sons of the time, there is enmity
To distinguish me from the doctrine of fraud
٧. بيني وبين بني الزمان عدى
لتميّزي عن مذهب النصب
8. My excuse to you is that I am a man
Taking comfort to avoid reproach
٨. عذري إليك بأنّني رجُل
بالراح إشفاقا من العتب