
Love has revealed his secret

قد براه الحب عن قدمه

1. Love has revealed his secret
So ignorance shed his blood unjustly

١. قد براه الحبّ عن قدمه
فاباح الغرّ بالجهل دمه

2. Love kept it hidden to conceal
Yet his yearning moans betrayed his secret

٢. كتم الحبّ ليخفى فبدا
عن أنين الشوق ما قد كتمه

3. The wretch in love still hopes and waits
Now crying out from his pain and grief

٣. عشق البائس يرجو فرجا
صار يشكو بعد ضرّ ألمه

4. But when will love stop his excess
And bring justice to the oppressed from his oppressor

٤. فمتى والحبّ يقضي شططا
ينصف المظلوم ممّن ظلمَه