
Abandon people with generosity and grace

تخل عن الورى كرما وظرفا

1. Abandon people with generosity and grace
For they are corrupt and association has become disdained

١. تخلّ عن الورى كرما وظرفا
فقد فسدوا وصار الوصل مقتا

2. The friend flatters you, yet plots against you
And outwardly displays affection and beauty

٢. ينافقك الصديق وفيه مكر
ويبدي ظاهراً مقة وسمتا

3. So be alone and solitary, lost in your thoughts
Do not reciprocate friendship when you are yourself

٣. فكن فردا وحيدا سامريا
ولا ترد الوصال وأنت أنتا

4. For most of those you see complain of a friend
And none will support you except those you know

٤. فأكثر من ترى يشكو صديقا
وما عاداك إلا من عرفتا