
A feast has become one who blames generosity

ولائمة أضحت تلوم على البذل

1. A feast has become one who blames generosity
It reproaches me and blame that hurts the forbearing companion

١. ولائمة أضحت تلوم على البذل
تعنّفني واللوم يشجي أخا العذل

2. It says, "You have kept wealth without spending it
Upon a group who did not join you in companionship

٢. تقول لقد أبقيت مالا أفضته
على معشر لم يوصلوك إلى وصل

3. If you had kept some of it in reserve
It would have made you wealthy in fertile land and rich in station

٣. فلو كنت قد أبقيت منه صبابة
فصانتك في خصب وأغنتك في محل

4. Solitude has left you bereaved, my brother
Wandering the lands of God sadly to the plains"

٤. لقد تركتك النائبات أخا وجى
تجوب بلاد الله حزنا إلى سهل

5. So I said to it, "Stop your blame, for I do not see
A youth who attained the means of nobility through miserliness

٥. فقلت لها كفّي الملام فما أرى
فتى نال أسباب المكارم بالبخل

6. I built greatness through generosity, and he who finds
Sustenance for people is known for his excellence

٦. بنيت المعالي بالسماح ومن يجد
على الناس بالأرزاق يعرف بالفضل

7. Moreover, through good deeds friendships are forged
By which people recognize those who give little in generosity

٧. على أن في المعروف تسدى معارف
بها يعرف الناس المقلين للبذل

8. Just as in loving the Prophet and his family
There is an expression from majesty to transfer

٨. كما أن في حبّ النبي وأله
عبارة ما بين الجلال إلى النقل