
And every writer has a style

وكل أديب له آلة

1. And every writer has a style
And guidance that shows his ambition

١. وكل أديب له آلة
وهديٌ يدلّ على همّته

2. And a man is nothing without his brethren
Though he may revel in his bounty

٢. وما المرء إلا بإخوانه
وإن كان يعبط في نعمته

3. And I've never seen a wise youth
Who handles affairs with his wit

٣. ولم أر مثل فتى عاقل
يداري الأمور على فطنته

4. Rewarding his friend with kindness
And repaying his enemy's neglect

٤. فيحزي الصديق بإحسانه
ويجزي العدو على غفلته

5. Donning the garb of fate
And bowing to the ape in its glory

٥. ويلبس للدهر أثوابه
ويسجد للقرد في دولته