1. Take what is worthy of your time,
And stand firm in your place and time.
١. خذ ما استوى لك من زمانك
واثبت لدهرك في مكانك
2. Do not grieve for its uncertainty,
Or its changes in all your affairs.
٢. لا تجزعنّ لريبه
ولصرفه في كل شأنك
3. Know that you walk
The paths of those fallen short of your goal.
٣. واعلم بأنّك سالكٌ
سبل المقصّرعن رهانك
4. No one doubts the creation of the reed pipe,
Or what comes after your time.
٤. ما شكّ خلق في القنا
والخلف فيما بعد ذانك