1. Ask me of fate and its ways,
And what fate has veiled of its schemes,
١. سلني عن الدهر وأخباره
وما طواه الدهر من مكره
2. I accompanied it sixty years,
In various states throughout its era,
٢. صاحبته ستين عاما على
شتى من الأحوال في عصره
3. Twenty of which I wasted heedlessly,
Deceived by what it hid of its tricks,
٣. عشرون منها ساهيا لاهيا
غرّا بما يخفيه من ختره
4. Then I awoke to it an awakening,
From which I did not escape its sudden betrayal,
٤. ثم تيقظت له يقظة
لم أنج منها من شبا غدره
5. Until when I was fully excused, and fate
Had made me submit to its coercion,
٥. حتى إذا استكملت عذرا وقد
راضني الدهر على قهره
6. Sorrow made me learn its ways,
So I became wise in its lap,
٦. بصّرني الحزن تصاريفه
فصرت بالفطنة في حجره
7. I do not complain of fate, knowing what
Is hidden from the ignorant of its ordainment,
٧. لا أشتكي الدهر لعلمي بما
يخفى على الجاهل من قدره
8. And it has passed in the like of what has passed
For the resolute who did not err in his era,
٨. وقد مضى في مثل قد جرى
لحازم لم يخط في دهره
9. Fate is commanded, it has a commander,
Fate will end up to His command,
٩. الدهر مأمور له آمر
سينتهي الدهر إلى أمره
10. How much have we seen of a resolute youth
Who walks with his feet toward his grave,
١٠. كم قد رأينا من فتى حازم
يمشي برجليه إلى قبره
11. And an unaware wise man of merit,
Chooses what calls for his harm,
١١. وغافل مستيقظ فاضل
يختار ما يدعو إلى ضرّه
12. And how many a weak ignorant incapable man
Is eased into his poverty,
١٢. وكم ضعيف جاهل عاجز
أديل باليسر على فقره
13. And patience is of two kinds: patience for
Hated adversity that deposes might in its might,
١٣. والصبر صبران فصبر على
كره يطيح العز في عزه
14. And the patience of surrender of a resolute man
Who earns tranquility through his patience.
١٤. وصبر تسليم امرئ حازم
يستوجب السلوة في صبره