
I wonder at a man, though intelligent,

تعجبت من المرء وذكر

1. I wonder at a man, though intelligent,
Who grieves for death that is destined to come;

١. تعجّبت من المرء وذك
ر الموت يشجيه

2. And rejoices for this life
Renewed by fate for a time, then fated to pass away;

ويهدوى العَيش

3. And leads surely to death,
Despite wishes and striving;

٣. كما جدّدهُ الدهر كذا
ك الدهر يبليه

4. Good deeds will meet their doer,
And evil will find its master;

٤. ومفضيه إلى الموت
المنى والحرص حاديه

5. The Almighty will requite it.

٥. وما قدّم من فعل
جميل فهو لاقيه

٦. ومن قدم شرا
فيه فالجبار يجزيه