1. One night when I thought myself
In darkness, as though I were in Remus
١. وليلة حسبت فيها نفسي
من ظلمة كأنّني في رمس
2. Longer than the history of the king of Persia
As though it were some of the nights of imprisonment
٢. أطول من تاريخ ملك الفرس
كأنها بعض ليالي الحبس
3. I was met before the reddening of the evening
By one with hands on my back, increasing my misfortune
٣. صادفني قبل مسا الممَسّي
ذو أيد في الظهر يحدو نحسي
4. As though his traces were in feeling
And the stings of scandals were different in celebration
٤. كأنّما آثارُه في الحسّ
وخز الأشافي اختلفت في عرس
5. On a night when the joy of sunrise melted away
So all this is what my foolishness reaped for me
٥. في ليلة ذابت بهجر الشمس
فكلّ هذا ما جنى لي ضرسي
6. From eating what was offered without reservation
Of stewed chicken and stuffed zucchini
٦. من أكل ما لاح بغير مكس
من جورنج قد قلي ومحشي
7. And seasoned okra and lettuce
And truffles of every kind
٧. وباقلي مطيّب وخسّ
وكامخ من نوع كل جنس
8. I stuffed into chickpeas all my coveting
Still, in craving is the annihilation of the soul
٨. أدسّه في البندق كل دسي
لسا وفي اللس فناء النفس
9. And I did not say in my time of satiation, "Enough!"
This is ignorance and the essence of stupidity
٩. ولم أقل في وقت شبعي بسّي
هذا هو الجهل وعين الوكس
10. And I could not find anyone among mankind to complain to
Other than my father Bishr the doctor, the priest
١٠. ولم أجد لي مشتكى في الإنس
غير أبي بشر الطبيب القس
11. Most skilled of God's creations in examination
And in qualities of precise discernment
١١. أحذق خلق الله بالمجس
وبالصفات في دقيق الحدس
12. Who speaks from experience and study
And recorded wisdom in composition
١٢. ينطق عن تجربة ودرسِ
وحكمةٍ مسطورةٍ في طرش