
They congratulate me on Eid though they possess its meaning

يهنونني بالعيد والعيد عندهم

1. They congratulate me on Eid though they possess its meaning
For me it's but a name while for them it has significance

١. يهنونني بالعيد والعيد عندهم
فعندي لهُ اسم وعندهم المعنى

2. My Eid clothes I've worn before it
And ate with my left like I ate with my right

٢. لباسي يوم العيد لبسيَ قبلهُ
وأكليَ باليُسرى كأكليَ باليُمنى

3. For me Eid and the day before are the same
If I am not endowed with blessings sublime

٣. وسيّان عندي العيد واليوم قبله
إذا لم يجللني من النعم الحُسنى