
Shame has fallen, so there is no shame,

قد سقط العار فلا عار

1. Shame has fallen, so there is no shame,
And the free have no supporters.

١. قد سقط العارُ فلا عارُ
وليس للأحرار أنصار

2. Truth is weakened and life diminished,
And fools have become supporters.

٢. واستُضعِفَ الحق وقلّ الحيا
وصار للجُهّالِ أنصارُ

3. Paradise seems to me,
The same for the corrupt and the virtuous.

٣. واستوتِ الجنةُ فيما أرى
عند ذوي التخليط والنار

4. Those who were once its neighbors,
Today there is no home or neighbor.

٤. وكان قبل الدارِ جيرانها
فاليومَ لا دارٌ ولا جارُ

5. The good people were our leaders,
Their sights set on noble goals.

٥. وكان أهلُ الخير ساداتنا
سموا إلى التفضيل أبصار

6. Today the good are neglected,
And evil and deceit have prevailed.

٦. فاليومَ أهلُ الخير قد أُهملوا
وسادَ شريرٌ وعيّار

7. All things have their seasons,
Rising and falling in their turn.

٧. وكلّ شيء فله دولة
وفيه إقبالٌ وإدبار