
If you were a guest of the Ukbarites, you would not taste

إذا كنت ضيف العكبريين لم تذق

1. If you were a guest of the Ukbarites, you would not taste
Food, nor drink cool water

١. إذا كنت ضيف العكبريين لم تذق
طعاما ولم تشرب من الماء باردا

2. And you would spend the night like a wolf in barren land
Twisting and turning, wailing and wandering alone

٢. وبتّ مبيت الذئب في أرض قفرة
طوى أربعا يعوي ويصبح شاردا

3. And if you were their neighbor, you would spend the night hungry
And if you spent the night envied among them, you would spend it alone

٣. وإن كنت جارا فيهم بتّ جائعا
وإن بتّ محسودا بهم بتّ واحدا

4. The slaves of the staff never attained virtue
And in truth I did not see among them one glorious

٤. عبيد العصا لم يظفروا بفضيلة
ولم أر فيهم بالحقيقة ماجدا