
Man's greed kills him

شره الإنسان يقتله

1. Man's greed kills him
And He who endowed him, deposes him

١. شره الإنسان يقتله
والذي ولاه يعزله

2. Days have no power
What God wills, He does

٢. ما على الأيّام من درك
ما يريد الله يفعله

3. Death's events are slight to a young man
Whose mind, no doubt, scorns them

٣. هان خطب الموت عند فتى
عقله لا شك يعذله

4. Evil composition destroys its owner
As days give him respite

٤. محدث التركيب مهلكهُ
فيه والأيّام تمهله

5. Death disdains failure
Impatiently, and death comes first

٥. يتأبّى الموت عن فشل
جزعا والموت أوله

6. Every difficult event passes
Speaking of it, provision is more inclusive

٦. كل خطب نازل عسر
ذكره والرزق أشمله

7. Man knows his origin
And the road of death he does not know

٧. يعلم الإنسان منشأه
وطريق الموت يجهله