
Your enemy who feigns friendship is truly vile,

عدوك في النفاق عدو سوء

1. Your enemy who feigns friendship is truly vile,
So beware him for he has shown you his deception.

١. عدوّك في النفاق عدوّ سوء
فخفه فقد أبان لك الخداعا

2. He makes himself amiable and shows you affection,
Yet in his heart he plots against you however he can.

٢. يحبّب نفسه ويريك ودّا
ويضمر ضدّ ذلك ما استطاعا

3. Though his schemes be subtle, take heed,
Judge by his words yet seek out his real intent.

٣. فإن دقّت مكائده تحصّى
عليك اللفظ واطلب الشناعا

4. For when enmity and hatred are revealed
You extend the means for battle and increase your defenses.

٤. ومن كشف العداوة والتشاني
مددت لحربه ذرعا وباعا

5. And had I not been wary of his schemes
When his true nature was exposed and his mask lifted,

٥. ولم أحذر مكائده لما قد
عرفت وكان قد كشف القناعا

6. For he who shows you enmity though you've caused no wrong
Has but revealed his innate envy and malice.

٦. ومن عاداك لم تذنب إليه
فقد أبدى عن الحسد الطباعا