
O virtuous one who has attained the pride of virtue through his manners

يا فاضلا حاز فخر الفضل عن أدبه

1. O virtuous one who has attained the pride of virtue through his manners
And has gained more pride that surpasses pride through his lineage

١. يا فاضلا حاز فخر الفضل عن أدبه
وازداد فخرا يفوق الفخر عن حسبه

2. As for time, it is blameworthy in its turns
And patience is more fitting for the perplexed in their affliction

٢. أما الزمان فمذموم على نوبه
والصبر أولى بحرّ زيد في كربه

3. And whoever is astonished by its events, I am astonished
By his words, and he is knowledgeable of its reversals

٣. ومن تعجّب من أحداثه عجبي
عن قوله وهو ذو علم بمنقلبه

4. And fate in the distribution of sustenance according to the artist
Is a secret that squeezes the heart of the perceptive one in its perplexity

٤. والحظ في قسمة الأرزاق عند فنى
سرّ يدِقّ على ذي اللب في عجبه

5. Take each day as it comes, and if the calamities of fate gush forth
Receive them on their heels willingly, or else you will receive them unwillingly

٥. خذ كل يوم بما فيه وإن فدحت
نوائبُ الدهر فاقبلها على عقبه

6. And gratitude is better earned by one who accepts willingly
If you contemplate the blame of fate, you will not see it

٦. طوعا وإلا فكرها سوف تقبلها
والشكر للمرء طوعا خير مكتسبه

7. As a fate, in order to justify the Ordainer in its reason
But it is the self that complains of its worries in disgruntlement

٧. إذا تأمّلت ذم الحظ لم تره
حظا لتعديل مولى القسم في سببه

8. The lack of certainty by the light of anxiety within it and through it
And sometimes one chooses a matter that tires them

٨. لكنّها النفس تشكو شجوها ضجرا
نقص اليقين بنور الهم عنه وبه

9. And they do not know the sincerity of a person from their lies
It is for that reason that what has been said in the proverb is so well put

٩. وربما اخترت أمرا فيه متعبةٌ
ولست تدري بصدق المرء من كذبه

10. Its poet has excellently elucidated its meaning
How many are eager for something to attain it

١٠. من أجل ذلك ما قد قيل في مثل
أجاد شاعره الإيضاح عن أربه

11. Perhaps its attainment will bring them closer to their mending

١١. كم من حريص على شيء ليدركه
لعلّ إدراكه يدنيه من عطبه