1. Let me be, for I have not seen anyone like me
Among those who came before me
١. دعني فلم أر مثلي
ممّن تقدّم قبلي
2. I have walked seeking sustenance
And conquered every sorrow and plain
٢. سلكت في طلب الرز
ق كل حزن وسهل
3. And I have not left any lands
Without treading them with my feet
٣. وما تركت بلاداً
إلا وطئت برجلي
4. Yet I have never gained anything
With wisdom and intellect
٤. فلم أفد قطّ شيئا
بحسن رأي وعقل
5. And the more greed I acquired
No honey reached my heart
٥. وكلما ازددت حرصا
لم يلحق الخلّ بقلي
6. It shows you that gifts
Are not of my doing
٦. يريك أن العطايا
من فعله ليس فعلي