
People's souls are stinged by greed

نفوس الناس بالشح

1. People's souls are stinged by greed
And tied down by ill suspicions

١. نفوس الناس بالشح
وسوء الظن مربوطه

2. Signs of that are apparent
In what I have already mentioned

٢. وفي ذاك علاماتٌ
بما قد قلت مشروطة

3. The law of evil I have lifted
And the law of good laid low

٣. فشرع الشر قد شيلتُ
وشرع الخير محطوطه

4. Swords of sedition were unsheathed
As were terror and its shrouds

٤. وقد سلت سيوف الفت
ك والهيبة وغطوطه

5. The roar of aggression was unleashed
As pens were broken in two

٥. وقد ليقت دويّ البغ
ي والأقلام مقطوطه

6. The blessings of livelihood diminished
And souls became confined

٦. وقلّت بركات الكس
ب والأنفس مقحوطه

7. A father's intention towards his newborn
Became twisted and impure

٧. وصارت نيّة الوال
د للمولود مسخوطه

8. The one marked by virtue now wallows
In injustice, beaten down

٨. ترى الموسوم بالعف
ة في الظلم بأنشوطه

9. The hand of generosity has withdrawn
From brothers, clenched tight

٩. وقد أضحت يد البذل
عن الإخوان مقموطه

10. Whoever neglected or fooled
People pursue to mix his brew

١٠. فمن فرّط أو خلّ
ط يهوى الناس تخليطه

11. And the good man among the people
Became their ridiculed fool

١١. وصار الرجل الخي
ر بين الناس أغلوطه

12. No creature would deny
A sinner his transgression

١٢. ولا ينكرُ مخلوقٌ
على الفاسق تفريطه

13. Loyalty has dwindled among people
So manners have been cast down

١٣. وقد قل الوفا في النا
س فالآداب مسقوطه

14. Religion has been steeped
In vain passions and illusions

١٤. وصار الدين بالأهوا
فآلاته مخبوطه

15. Books of truth have been rejected
While books of jest prized

١٥. فكتب الجد قد ردّت
وكتب الهزل محظوظه

16. What value have the learned
If their hearts have dried out?

١٦. فما قيمة أهل العل
م فيهم جفّت بلوطه

17. The letters of the noble
Are now dotted with disgrace

١٧. وصارت أحرف المعرو
ف بالمنكر منقوطه

18. From sea to sea, to the coast
To the deepest ravine

١٨. من البحر إلى البحر
إلى الساحل فالغوطه

19. What soul, though sustained
By the most favored provision?

١٩. فما نفس وإن عاشت
على العيش بمغبوطه