1. If an old man's palm is folded over
His life has died though he lives yet
١. إن كفّ شيخ فقد توفّي
وفات من موته حياته
2. What life can a supplicant hope for
When his cure is found in death's onset
٢. أيّ حياة لمستغيث
شفاء أسقامه وفاته
3. His virtues made him most blessed
Now his foes wear his robes like a vest
٣. صفاته كنّ مسعدات
فصار أعداءه صفاته
4. And death an obedient servant to him
The coming of our ends its device
٤. والموت قين له أداة
حضور آجالنا أداته
5. With many preparations made
Scattered when the time is weighed
٥. وللمنايا مقدّمات
يكون في جمعها شتاته