
I saw a king,

ومملك أبصرته

1. I saw a king,
Using vile manners,

١. ومملك أبصرتهُ
مستعملا خلقا شنيعا

2. Glorifying himself with his clothes,
Neglecting glory, gone astray.

٢. متعظما بثيابه
للمجد مطرحا مضيعا

3. He walks arrogantly waving his hands,
His stinginess made him an obedient slave.

٣. يمشي ويشمر باليدي
ن لشحّه عبدا مطيعا

4. I answered him in my conscience:
If only he were reasonable and listening!

٤. فأجبته بضمائري
لو كان معتبرا سميعا

5. My Lord and your Lord is one,
And the earth carries us all,

٥. ربي وربّك واحدٌ
والأرض تحملنا جميعا

6. And death makes us equal,
Whether it comes slow or fast.

٦. والموت ينصف بيننا
إمّا بطيئا أو سريعا