
With every turn of anger that did him wrong

في كل منقلب غيظ أساء به

1. With every turn of anger that did him wrong
And every turn that brought me benefit

١. في كلّ منقلب غيظ أساء به
وكلّ منقلب لي فيه ما يتر

2. And every day I see in its events
Signs and lessons that prod its side

٢. وكل يوم أرى في صرفه عبرا
تدقّ في جنبها الآيات والعبر

3. It oscillates between sermons for a time, then is followed
By sermons that make easy what has passed and belittled

٣. تراع بالخطب وقتا ثم يتبعه
خطب يهون الذي ولى ويحتقر

4. Blessed is God, the traces of knowledge have vanished
Or has the nature of righteousness changed in creation?

٤. تبارك الله باد العلم والأثر
أم غيّرت صالحات الخلقة الغير

5. To the extent etiquette was hypocritical
And craved, etiquette started to die out

٥. بقدر ما كانت الآداب نافقة
وتشتهي صارت الآداب تحتضر

6. Patience, knowledge and news are lost
Good is scorned and evil spread

٦. والحلم والعلم والأخبار ضائعة
والخير محتقر والشر مشتهر

7. Most wretched of creatures in an evil time is he whose days
Were among a people, all of them fools

٧. أشقى الورى في زمان السوء من سلفت
أيّامه بين قوم كلهم غرر

8. And the nights left him after losing them
Among people of the time, all of them cattle

٨. وخلفته الليالي بعد فقدهم
على أناس زمان كلهم بقر

9. Indeed I have come to a people who when they claim descent
Neither Rabi'a shelters them nor Mudar

٩. لقد دفعت إلى قوم إذا انتسبوا
فلا ربيعة تؤويهم ولا مضر

10. A guest hopes not for provisions from their stinginess
Not even for crumbs, neither Moses nor Al-Khidr

١٠. ما يطمع الضيف في أزوادهم بخلا
على الخصاصة ولا موسى ولا الخضر

11. The evildoers have lanterns, so if they attended
The market of virtues in their homelands they would lose

١١. عند الشرور مرابيح فإن حضروا
سوق المكارم في أوطانها خسروا

12. Whoever saw what my eyes have seen of a band
Who used to be leaders in hearing and sight

١٢. فمن رأى ما رأت عيناي من نفر
كانوا هم الراس فيه السمع والبصر

13. Then insolence grew between this generation following them
Their ignorance took refuge and cautiousness left his heart

١٣. ثم اغتدى بين هذا النشء أتبعهُ
جهّالهم وتأوى قلبه الحذر

14. That stranger for certain did not emigrate from a house
That contained him, and fate busied itself with his concerns

١٤. ذاك الغريب يقينا ليس من نزحت
دارٌ به وسعى في همّه القدر

15. God has kept me until I came to be among a band
Whose marketplace contains no virtue or wares

١٥. بقاني الله حتّى صرت في نفر
من سوقة ما لحرّ فيهم وطرُ

16. When roused to glory, they are absent
And if nearby, they are present when ignored

١٦. عن المعالي إذا ما استنهضوا غيبٌ
وإن دناة بدت أو غيبة حضروا

17. Long hands for wrongdoing they are unable
And in building virtues their trait is falling short

١٧. أيد طوال إلى المكروه ما قدروا
وفي ابتناء المعالي شانها القصر

18. The most eager of them in his companion's affection
Is at ease, but in hardship there is no consolation

١٨. أشدّهم رغبة في ودّ صاحبه
عند الرخاء وفي اللأواء لا ورر

19. Like a bow in war, no singing is expected from it
Nor fighting if the bowstring betrays it

١٩. كالقوس في الحرب لا يرجى الغناء بها
ولا القتال إذا ما خانها الوتر

20. Or a date palm of evil on which an owl roosts since it bore fruit
While it has neither clusters nor abundance

٢٠. أو نخلة السوء يأوي البوم مذ يفعت
في رأسها وهي لا شيص ولا كثر

21. And an evil companion, no benefits are hoped from him
Like the friendship of a wolf, neither wool nor hair

٢١. وصاحب السوء لا ترجى منافعه
كصفحة الذئب لا صوف ولا شعر

22. The sun may rise but fog hides it
Or mist, yet the river protects its roses

٢٢. قد تطلع الشمس والأقذاء تحجبها
أو الضباب ويحمي ورده النهر

23. And rain descends on arid land
Yet turns away while it has no plants or trees

٢٣. وينزل الغيث في أرض مسبّخة
وينثني وهي لا نبت ولا شحر

24. I heard of a people who settled the wilderness,
And al-Dumatayn became pleasant to inhabit

٢٤. إني سمعت بقوم أوطنوا هجرا
والدومتين وطابت عندهم هجر

25. They sold their dwellings and homelands and moved
The evil of a neighbor expelled them after they endured

٢٥. باعوا المنازل والأوطان وانتقلوا
سوء الجوار جلاهم بعد ما صبروا

26. Holy is God, livelihoods have been apportioned
What has been brought and what hardship has not judged

٢٦. تقدّس الله فالأرزاق قد قسمت
ما حمّ آت وما لم يقضه عسر

27. The share of the intelligent scholar is water and crumbs
And the share of the ignorant is wealth and full moons

٢٧. حظّ الأديب اللبيب الماء والكسر
وحظّ ذي الجهل فيه المال والبدر

28. How many a foolish scholar in his turns
And many a poor fool, his wealth is broken

٢٨. وكم أديب غبيّ في تقلّبه
وكم غبيّ فقير ماله كسر

29. Surely the miser acts self-sufficient and hoards
While the noble is never self-sufficient and needs

٢٩. إن المبخّل يستغني ويحتكر
والحرّ ما عاش يستغني ويفتقر

30. Of the signs of the evildoers is that whenever
Their wealth increased, they disbelieved

٣٠. من العلامة في الأشرار أنهمُ
في كل ما كثرت أموالهم كفروا

31. And of the noble are signs that if they refused to give
They would excuse with patience, and if gave wealth, thank

٣١. وفي الكرام علامات إذا منعوا
عاذروا بصبر وإن أعطوا الغنى شكروا

32. Indeed I have been handed an ordeal
Which destroyed life, and in its affairs the worst

٣٢. لقد دفعت إلى أمر تحمّله
هدم الحياة وفي أشيائه أشر

33. I act according to my nature in disciplining their ignorance
And correcting him from an ugliness like it, another ugliness

٣٣. أجري على الطبع في تأديب جاهلهم
ورده عن قبيح مثله غرر

34. And he turns angrily toward me, fighting me
While I turn away behind the truth, apologizing

٣٤. وينثني مغضبا نحوي يقاتلني
وأنثني من وراء الحق أعتذر