1. With my own self I am happy, may God be good to him
A rose blossoming in his cheeks
١. بنفسي شادن أحسن الله له
وردا يلوح بوجنتيه
2. Handsome is his body, gentleness and shape
And pleasant are the words from his lips
٢. مليح قوامه والدلّ والشكل
وطيب الكلام من شفتيه
3. His eyebrows wrote enjoyment from being near
For they do not write sins upon him
٣. كاتباه تمتّعا منه بالقر
ب فما يكتبا الذنوب عليه
4. He is to me like the full moon on the horizon
I see him, but cannot reach him
٤. هو منّي كالبدر في أفق الجو
و أراه ولا أصير إليه