
The lover does not blame his beloved

ما اعتاض واهب نفسه عشيقه

1. The lover does not blame his beloved
In return, even if he possesses her necklace

١. ما اعتاض واهب نفسه عِشِّيقه
عوضا ولو ملك الهوى أطواقه

2. The lover gives his beloved his hopes
And presents her with his manners out of love

٢. يعطي المحبّ عشيقه آماله
وييحه من حبّه أخلاقه

3. He becomes her slave, serving at her hands
Protecting and increasing his compassion for her

٣. ويصير عبدا في يديه وخادما
ويصونه ويزيده إشفاقه

4. He feeds her the finest foods and lets her taste
What pleases her palate and flavor

٤. يغذوه أطيب مأكل ويذيقه
ما يستلذّ مساغه ومذاقه

5. He anoints her with incense and expensive musk
Skillfully perfuming her clothes with camphor

٥. ويشمّه عودا ومسكا فاخراً
ويجيد بالكافور منه فياقه

6. Yet she disdains her lover among her coquetry
Acting coy and taking his merits for granted

٦. ويهينه المعشوق بين دلاله
متمنّعا وينيله استحقاقه

7. So when he gifts her the best of what he owns
And rewards her kindly actions with favors

٧. فإذا حباه أجل ما في ملكه
وأثابه بفعاله إرفاقه

8. She gives him her lowest self and says that is how
One rewards who makes his enemy his summit

٨. أعطاه أسفلهُ وقال له كذا
يحزى منيل عدوّه أعلاقه