1. If the handsome son walks, we sway
As if an earthquake shook us when he strides
١. إذا ابن جميل مشى خلتنا
تموج بنا إن مشى زلزله
2. The earth tilts beneath his gait
His ending resembles his beginning
٢. تميل به الأرض في مشيه
ويشبه آخره أوّله
3. If he carried a mustard seed in his palm
None would be lost from his hand
٣. ولو حملت كفّه خردلا
لما ضاع من كفّه خردله
4. If the ground could speak
It would complain of the burden of his weight
٤. ولو كانت الأرض نطيقة
لقالت من الجهد ما أثقله
5. His younger brother is small but
Shrewder than the tinkling anklet
٥. أخوه صغير ولكنّه
من الكيس أحرك من قلقله
6. When this one appears, people sway
From his walk though he makes no effort
٦. وهذا يرى إن بدا مقبلا
فللنّاس من مشيه ولوله
7. I find no fault in this scholar
Except his kinship, now the vein is opened
٧. ولا ذنب عندي لهذا الفقيه
سوى قربه منه إذ حنبله