1. How many a brother whose affectionate words
Engross me, associating with me, and I oblige him,
١. وكم من أخ يستغرق الودّ لفظه
مكاشرة يختصّ بي وأجاملُه
2. I wore for him the robe of affection wittily,
His words keep contact with me and I keep contact with him,
٢. لبست له ثوب الوداد خلابة
تواصلني ألفاظُه وأواصلُه
3. And no harm from one who dyes his face with saffron,
If his limbs are safe and his virtues excel.
٣. وما ضرّ كاسي وجهه زعفرانة
إذا سلمت أعضاؤه ومفاضله