1. I left the one I loved though against my will
As if I generously gave myself when we were separated by force
١. وفارقت من أهواه كرها كأنني
أجود بنفسي عند فرقته قهرا
2. I have not seen anything that kills a young man like separation
Or anything as sweet as love when you taste its bitterness
٢. ولم أر مثل البين أقتل للفتى
ولا كالهوى حلوا إذا ذقته مرّا
3. I watered the ground with my tears until it was as though
Clouds poured a shower onto thirsty ground
٣. وسمت الثرى بالدمع حتى كأنما
سماكيّة رشّت على عطش قطرا
4. So O my heart be patient as much as you can
For who can bear the loss and abandonment of one's beloved?
٤. فيا قلب صبرا ما استطعت ومن يطق
على فقد من يهوى وهجرانه صبرا