
We live in an age full of vice

نحن في دهر على المعدم

1. We live in an age full of vice
Where shedding blood is purposeless

١. نحن في دهر على المع
دم لا يجدي أبّوه

2. And a father gains no merit
From the virtues of his sons

٢. وعلى الوالد لا يف
ضلُ إن عال بنوه

3. Were people to see a noble man
In chains, they would not free him

٣. لو رأى الناس شريفا
سلائلا ما وصلوه

4. And if they craved a bite to eat
They'd feast on the rations of a dog

٤. وهم إن طمعوا
في زاد كلب أكلوه