1. I saw the miser, if he gave he calculated
And if he withheld, it was honor and exclusivity
١. رأيت الشصّ إن أعطى تقاصي
وإن منع الكرامة والخصوصا
2. He spoke ugly words and told lies
And you did not see him keen on generosity
٢. تكلم بالقبيح وقال زورا
ولم تره على كرم حريصا
3. And the people of our time, except for a few
With this description, they regressed, relapsing
٣. وأهل زماننا إلا قليلا
بهذا الوصف قد نكصّوا نكوصا
4. And they coveted what the miser covets too
And if they concealed it, they had become misers
٤. وراموا ما يروم الشصّ أيضا
وإن كتموا فقد صارواشصوصا