
If people insult me, I do not insult them back.

إذا ما بغى خلق علي فسبني

1. If people insult me, I do not insult them back.
I restrain my dignity from retaliating; I do not insult them.

١. إذا ما بغى خلق عليّ فسبّني
قنيت حيائي دونه لا أسبّه

2. I honor myself by not befriending an ignorant person.
With all his sins, his ignorance does not diminish.

٢. وكرّمت نفسي من مؤاخاة جاهل
كثير الخطايا جهلُه ما يغبّه

3. I observed the causes of events;
They make us see in each other what we do not love.

٣. ولاحظت أسباب الحوادث إنها
تري بعضنا في بعضه ما تحبّه