1. The youth's fortune is from what has come to him
God has ordained it for him in this world
١. حظّ الفتى ممّا أتا
هُ الله في الدنيا معاده
2. And his pillar in his religion is
Piety, and his paradise is his righteousness
٢. وعمادهُ في دينه الت
تقوى وجُنّتُه سداده
3. And his rest is in what he will return to after death as his provision
And his joy is in his intention
٣. ومهاده فيما إلي
ه يعود بعد الموت زاده
4. For man covers himself with moderation
And the free man is easy in nature
٤. وغناؤه في قصده
فالمرء يستره اقتصاده
5. Yielding, smooth in leadership
And you see the wicked complicated
٥. والحرّ سهلٌ طبعه
مستسلم سلس قياده
6. Gloomy, punished by his scheming
And the sign of the noble man is
٦. وترى اللئيم معقدا
نكدا يعاقُبه كياده
7. When you understand his belief
And so too the ignoble man is shown
٧. وعلامة الحر الكري
م إذا فطنت له اعتقاده
8. When his day has turned to ash
And man pursues sins
٨. وكذا يدُلّ على الضرا
م إذا خبا يوما رماده
9. Even if his pursuit harms him
Desire leads him to obedience
٩. والمرء يرتاد الذنو
ب وإن أضرّ به ارتياده
10. Then he returns with regret for his habit
How many a guide has ordered with effort
١٠. يقتاد طاعته الهوى
فيعود بالندم اعتياده
11. And his striving has destroyed him
And a thinker of death
١١. كم رائد أمرا بمج
تهد ويرديه اجتهاده
12. It has not forsaken him, his pillow
He spent his life worrying
١٢. ومفكر في الموت ما
هو قد جفاه له وساده
13. A crop grew and gave little harvest
No speaker but tomorrow
١٣. أفنيته في همّه
زرعٌ نشا ودنا حصاده
14. Corruption will be in the time of his speaking
Do not let the loss of one
١٤. ما محدّث إلا غدا
في وقت محدثه فساده
15. Who troubled you yesterday trouble you today
As long as your person is well
١٥. لا يزعجنّك فقد من
أمسيت يزعجك افتقاده
16. His thirst's healing is enough for you
The sword cuts what remains
١٦. ما دام شخصُك سالما
يكفيك من عطش ثماده
17. If its sharpness destroys its sheath
١٧. فالسيف يقطع ما بقى
حدّاهُ إن أودى نجاده