
This heir told me,

هذا المورث قال لي

1. This heir told me,
In words without tongue,

١. هذا المورث قال لي
قولا بغير لسانه

2. Yet by what I saw
Of his deeds for his people-

٢. لكن بما شاهدته
من فعله في شانه

3. Arrogant to his men,
Power from his rule-

٣. متعظّم برجاله
العزّ من سلطانه

4. O you who reaped ruin
With sword and teeth

٤. يا مفردا كسب الحطام
بسيفه وسنانه

5. Do not keep what
Your Master gave of favor

٥. لا تبق ما أعطاكه
مولاك من إحسانه

6. All you took and ate
With justice in its forms

٦. كل ما كسبت وجزّه
بالعدل في ألوانه

7. With fangs before my
Settling in the house's pillars

٧. بالناب قبل تمكّني
في البيت من أركانه

8. And built, built on his land
With greed and in his walls

٨. وبنى بنى في ارضه
طمعا وفي جدرانه

9. And realize, you after being
That death is at his ankles

٩. وتحقّقي بك بعد كو
ن الموت في حدثانه

10. How many dead befriended you
And cheated in their shrouds

١٠. كم ميّت حالفتهُ
وبخست في أكفانه

11. And buried in dogs' graves
Giving him up in disgrace and humiliation

١١. ودفنته دفنَ الكلا
ب بذله وهوانه

12. And ate what his hands sacrificed
In ignorance of his time

١٢. وأكلت ما ذحرت يدا
ه لجهله بزمانه

13. Opposing his prophet
And turning from his Koran

١٣. لخلافه لنبيّه
والميل عن قرآنه

14. And accepting his heresy
With doubt from his devil

١٤. وقبوله لضلاله
بالشك من شيطانه