1. I conceal much of my knowledge from the unworthy,
Lest the ignorant behold knowledge and go astray.
١. إني لأكتم من علمي فواضلَه
كي لا يرى العلم ذو جهل فيفتتنا
2. Abu Al-Hasan has set a precedent in this,
Counseling Al-Husayn after counseling Hasan before him.
٢. وقد تقدّم في هذا أبو الحسن
إلى الحسين ووصّى قبله حسنا
3. O Lord, essence of knowledge, were I to divulge it,
It would be said that I am one who worships idols.
٣. يا رب جوهر علم لو أبوح به
لقيل إنك ممّن يعبد الوثنا