
I thank God, and He is worthy of thanks,

أشكر الله وهو للشكر أهل

1. I thank God, and He is worthy of thanks,
The months and festivals have worn me down.

١. أشكر الله وهو للشكر أهلٌ
حطمتني الشهور والأعياد

2. I've lived until I've seen the children
Of a people when I was aged and old, and they were young.

٢. عشت حتّى رأيت أولاد قوم
كنت كهلا شيخا وهم أولاد

3. Lord, grant me acceptance, and be merciful with me,
And pardon me, O He to whom we return.

٣. ربّ هب لي الرضا وكن بي رحيما
واعف عنّي يا من إليه المعاد