1. A man fulfills his duties and cares for his family
The illness dragged on and the truth was revealed from its cover
١. تأدى رجال في التمام وأهله
فطال المرا واستكشف الحقّ ساتره
2. So I said to them in brief, purified words
The first parts clear and the last parts
٢. فقلت لهم قولا وجيزا مخلّصا
أوائله مشروحة وأواخره
3. I completed it as a favor to them, out of necessity
When passion confronts reason on the surface
٣. أتمّهمُ فضلا عليهم تعذّرا
إذا ما الهوى ناجاه بالعقل ظاهره
4. It has an inner essence along with the outer appearance that matched each other
Its essence fills hearts and overpowers them
٤. له باطن في ظاهر قد تكافيا
فباطنه ملء القلوب وقاهرُه