1. How much blame does my critic cast upon me when I live comfortably,
And fire burns in my liver, its flames stoked high.
١. كم لائم لامني من تحت عافية
والنار في كبدي مذكوّة الشعل
2. None suffers as I do from raging fever
That subsides and flares, flaring without end.
٢. وما به مثل ما بي من جوى كمد
يهدى ويرقى رقى من دونها أجلي
3. I called to him after his counsel flowed around me,
But it reaches not my hearing, nor makes contact.
٣. ناديته بعدما انسابت مواعظه
حولي ولا تنتحي سمعي ولا تصل
4. Do not heap blame for what you do not know.
How many a critic stands in need of blame!
٤. لا تكثر اللوم فيما أنت جاهله
كم عاذل وهو متحاج إلى عذل