
Glory to Him who created the blind out of spite

سبحان من خلق العميان من نكد

1. Glory to Him who created the blind out of spite
And endowed them with the ugliness of foolishness and envy

١. سبحان من خلق العميان من نكد
واختصّهم بقبيح السخف والحسد

2. Evil is inherent in them and ill thoughts their nature
As well as villainy, ill omen and corruption in the land

٢. والشر فيهم وسوء الظن طبعهم
واللؤم والشؤم والإفساد في البلد

3. It's as if they were created out of spite against every young man
Of good character and conduct, steadfast on the right path

٣. كأنهم خلقوا غيظا لكل فتى
في طبعه أدب موف على رشد

4. When a blind man walks I see a lightning bolt
As if he were a lion baring its fangs

٤. إذا الضرير مشى أبصرت صاعقةً
كأنه أسد قد شدّ في مسَد

5. Were it not for some among the blind who studied
The verses of the Quran, reciting by rote

٥. لولا أناس من العميان قد درسوا
آي القرآن وشدوا الدرس بالعدد

6. I'd say they're the offspring of an oppressor
Among the dissenters, or the spitting of snakes

٦. لقلت إنهم أولاد طاغية
من الخوارج أو نفاثه العقد