
Days and nights pass over the youth

سبوت وآحاد تمر على الفتى

1. Days and nights pass over the youth
While night covers him and morning continues it

١. سبوت وآحاد تمرّ على الفتى
وليل يغطيه وصبح يواصله

2. And he has diverse hopes, while without them is perdition
And the best hopes of a youth are those which avail him

٢. وآماله شتى ومن دونها الردى
وافضل آمال الفتى ما يعاجله

3. And I have not seen a human devoid of virtue
Though numerous were his sins and vices

٣. ولم أر إنسانا خلا من فضيلة
وإن كثرت آثامه ورذائله