
Those I loved have gone and left me,

ذهب الذين عيهم وجدي

1. Those I loved have gone and left me,
Alone I stay when they're no longer here.

١. ذهب الذين عيهم وجدي
وبقيت بعد فراقهم وحدي

2. A generation passed, and I remained,
Just so the next will pass when I disappear.

٢. سلفٌ مضوا وبقيت بعدهم
وكذاك يذهب من أتى بعدي

3. They left what they had gathered for their time.
And so will I leave what I gather here.

٣. تركوا الذي جمعوا لبعدهم
وكذاك أتركه لمن بعدي