
I took honey from Iraq and the like

وأخذت من دبس العراق ومثله

1. I took honey from Iraq and the like
Water of clouds shaded by clouds

١. وأخذت من دبس العراق ومثله
ماء الغمائم ظللته غيوم

2. And poured love into it then left it to settle
And flogged it ten times, persisting

٢. ودفقت فيه الحب ثم مرسته
وضربته عشرا وكنت أدوم

3. With the sun in the shining Lion, and for distraction
The hot wind kindled poison and venom

٣. والشمس في الأسد المنير وللهوا
حرّ الهجير توقّد وسموم

4. I clarified it with clay from Lazb
And left it, and leaving is noble in it

٤. وأجدت عمّته بطين لازب
وهجرته والهجر فيه كريم

5. And opened it while the sun was in the jug
In which, in which it ferments

٥. وفتحته والشمس في الدلو الذي
فيه فيه يهيم

6. And I drank the wine from it, except that
It perishes while the illusion of novelties remains

٦. وشربت منه الخمر إلا أنّه
يفنى وهمّ المحدثات مقيمُ