1. I answered those who blamed me for abandoning consolation,
For people's lives vary in length,
١. وأجبت لائمتي على ترك العزا
للنّاس عند تفاوت الآجال
2. And for not seeking rights when I have no
Fortune of the wealthy, nor tyranny of the impoverished.
٢. وعن التعرّض للحقوق وليس لي
حظّ الغنيّ وبطش ذي الإقلال
3. How often have I fallen ill and no one came to visit me,
To the place of my knowledge and little money.
٣. كم قد مرضت فلم يعدني عائد
لمكان معرفتي وقلة مالي
4. How often have I sought help while my argument was refuted,
And the say was mine, the utmost for my condition.
٤. كم أستضام وحجّتي مدحوضة
والقول لي أقصى لرقة حالي
5. How often it was wanted of me yet I saw
No helper with a hand or words for me.
٥. كم مرة يبغى عليّ فلا أرى
لي ناصرا بيد ولا بمقال
6. How many sorrows I have sipped from an ignorant one,
With no helper due to the abundance of fools.
٦. كم غصّة جرعتها من جاهل
عدم المعين لكثرة الجهّال
7. How many desires have had their faces veiled from me,
Between my weakness and lack of favor.
٧. كم شهوة سدّت عليّ وجوهها
بين الوني وتخلّف الإقبال
8. Oh my hands, a miserable one has no
Fate to protect, nor is counted in any condition.
٨. يا هذه كفي فليس لبائس
قدر يُصان ولا يعدّ بحال
9. I have fallen from the rights of time, so how could I,
When my era was paired with lack of money.
٩. سقطت عن الزمنى الحقوق فكيف بي
وزمانتي قرنت بنقص المال
10. So when I fall ill, my servant is myself, and if
I become incapacitated, the children of my concerns will take care of me.
١٠. فمتى مرضت فخادمي نفسي فإن
عجزت تولاها بنو اشكالي
11. And when I die, my procession will be surrounded
By hypocrites, for they are my equals.
١١. ومتى أمت فجنازتي محفوفة
بالمدلقين لأنّهم امثالي
12. Who will console me if I perish, and the
Inevitability of death does not spare me from my workers?
١٢. من لي يعزّى إن هلكت ولم يدع
صرف المنون عليّ من عمّالي