1. Short is the reach of what cannot be grasped
Not every desire finds a way
١. قصير مدى ما لا ينال طويل
وما كلّ ما تهوى إليه سبيل
2. People have reasons that determine their efforts
Sometimes shortening, sometimes prolonging
٢. وللمرء أسباب عليهنّ سعيه
يقصّر أحيانا بها ويطيل
3. Time has its ups and downs, accept its pardon
Otherwise all is unwell even in calm
٣. وللدهر علات فخذ منه عفوه
وإلا فكلّ في الصفاء عليل
4. I have not seen anything like kindness
Sweet is its taste and beautiful its face
٤. ولم ار كالمعروف أمّا مذاقه
فحلوٌ وأمّا وجهه فجميل