
If a man finds fault with you out of envy,

إذا عابك المرء بغيا عليك

1. If a man finds fault with you out of envy,
And is immoderate in speech against you, continuing on,

١. إذا عابك المرء بغيا عليك
وأفحش في قوله واستمر

2. Then he is your enemy, but in truth
He has concealed his rancor, so beware.

٢. فذاك عدوّك لكنّه
طوى عنك مكنوهُ فالحذر

3. For he has a grievance against you; if he wished
And reason held him back from you, he would make excuses.

٣. له عنك متّجهٌ لو أراد
فلو صدّه عنك عقل عذر

4. But what drove him to do what he did
Was the corruption of his nature and the vileness of his soul.

٤. ولكن حداه على ما أتاه
فساد الطباع ولؤم الظفر