
You are still, my Lord of all creation, gracious

لا زلت يا مولى الورى متفضلا

1. You are still, my Lord of all creation, gracious
And honoring, respecting, and venerating.

١. لا زلت يا مولى الورى متفضّلا
ومعزّزا ومكرّما ومبجّلا

2. Grant Your servants what is hoped for soon.
For the best of Your blessings is not delayed.

٢. أعط عبيدك ما يؤمّل عاجلا
فخيار برّك ما يكون معجّلا

3. My Master, You are great in the highest company,
Remember Your session in generosity and highness.

٣. يا سيّدي يا من تعظم في الملا
اذكر جلوسك في المكارم والعلا