
Tears streamed down

دمع تحدر في انسيابه

1. Tears streamed down
From a gloomy eyelid because of what it contains

١. دمع تحدّر في انسيابه
من جفن مكتئب لما به

2. Crying the sorrow of tribulations
That descended, so it chirped from its ridges

٢. يبكي أسى لنوائب
نزلت فغرّد عن ثقابه

3. It forgot the days of youth
And what was fulfilled of its discourse

٣. أنساه أيام الشبا
ب وما تقضّى من خطابه

4. It proposed pain, so the cycles of death approached in its sides
The curls of my twisting hair whitened

٤. خطب ألمّ فأقبلت
نوب المنايا في جنابه

5. And poverty frolicked in its youth
Constant poverty, a persistent knocker

٥. شابت ذوائب لمّتي
والفقر يمرح في شبابه

6. I began to cry from its torment
And the expensive price of living

٦. فقر مقيم طارق
أصبحت أبكي من عذابه

7. Is deadly every day in its ups and downs
And its time has shortened

٧. وغلاء سعر قاتل
في كل يوم بانقلابه

8. My hope, so it shortened from reaching it
And earning has weakened me

٨. وزمانه قد قصّرت
أملي فقصّر عن طلابه

9. From the humiliation of acquiring it
And rain pours constantly

٩. وتكسب قد شفني
ما فيه من ذل اكتسابه

10. From its clouds and the life of its mist
Afflictions have gathered upon

١٠. والغيث يهطل دائبا
عن غيمه وحيا ضبابه

11. A free man confused in his estrangement
If they landed upon

١١. محن قد اجتمعت على
حر تحيّر في اغترابه

12. Anyone, they would wreak havoc on his hills
So time betrayed me, and bit me angrily with its fangs

١٢. لو أنها حطت على
أحد لعاثت في هضابه

13. Then it drew an arrow at me
For it was firmly in its feet

١٣. فغر الزمان علي فا
ه وعضّني حنقا بنابه

14. So I fled from it to a young man
Who never fails those who seek his door

١٤. ثمّ انتضى سهما عليّ
فقد تمكن في ركابه

15. At times, the young man
Supports his brother in his affliction

١٥. ففررت منه إلى فتى
ما خاب معتصم ببابه

16. And reprimands the questioner
Even if with a cup of his drink

١٦. في ساعة يحفو الفتى
فيها أخاه على مصابه

17. I found him targeted
To me, I felt safe from his withdrawal

١٧. ويضنّ مسؤول النوا
ل ولو بكوز من شرابه

18. Offering to the needs of the
Brothers, continuing in his reckoning

١٨. فوجدته مستهدفا
لي قد أمنت من احتجابه

19. Listen, Abu Abdullah
To a fair saying in its correctness

١٩. متعرّضا لحوائج ال
إخوان ماض في احتسابه

20. Your generosity is more beneficial than abundant
Rain pouring in its flows

٢٠. اسمع أبا عبد الإل
ه مقال مثن في صوابه

21. For the rain continuously harmed me
With its permanence, and the life of its clouds

٢١. جدواك أنفع من جدا
غيث تحادر في انسيابه

22. Al-Ghiyath wrote it for me to
Unite my matter in its divergence

٢٢. لما أضرّ الغيث بي
بدوامه وحيا سحابه

23. And you sufficed me from the garment of time
While standing up to its dogs

٢٣. كتب الغياث عليه لي
ولأمت أمري في انشعابه

24. So I gained lasting gratitude
And collected your reward in its reward

٢٤. وكفيتني ثوب الزما
ن مع الوقوف على كلابه

25. You issued it, turning away
From its arrival, not from its return

٢٥. فملكت شكر ملدّد
وجمعت أجرك في ثوابه

26. Rejoicing, its joy
Almost wetting the dress on its clothes

٢٦. أصدرته متنكبا
بوروده لا من إيابه

27. My soul is ransom for you from a
Jealous one who envies his companions

٢٧. فرحا يكاد مشاشه
يبتلّ رشحا في ثيابه

28. I do not ask your pardon
For what the rain borrowed of its departure

٢٨. نفسي فداؤك من أخ
حدب يغار على صحابه

29. Rather, I ask your pardon in it as
Payment for its accommodation

٢٩. ما استميحك برّما
أقرضت من غيث ذهابه