
O you who are walking leisurely

يا غاديا متوسطا

1. O you who are walking leisurely
To traverse its back sitting

١. يا غادياً متوسّطا
للسير ظهر قعوده

2. I have not chosen after you another homeland
To give my useful efforts

٢. ما اخترت بعدك عكبرا
وطنا لبذل مفيده

3. But for the goodness of its heavens
And the beauty of its flourishing youth

٣. لكن لحسن جنانه
وجمال نشئ يهوده

4. And from affliction its gazelles
Rule me, their black eyes

٤. ومن البلاء ظباؤه
يملكن رق أسوده

5. I sacrifice those who cut the ties
And untied the knot of his scheme

٥. أفدي الذي قطع الوصا
ل وحل عقد مكيده

6. And I collected from my love what
Was scattered in his loss

٦. وجمعتُ من حبّيه ما
قد لجّ في تبديده

7. And I disobeyed those who began to blame
Him and refute him

٧. وعصيت من أضحى يلو
م عليه في تفنيده

8. I sacrifice him from the one self-indulgent
In his union and his distance

٨. أفديه من متدلل
في وصله وصدوده

9. Harut in his glances
Iblis lost some of his soldiers

٩. هاروت في لحظاته
إبلس بعض جنوده

10. He brought to life and destroyed in his love
With his promise and his threat

١٠. أحيا وأتلف في هوا
ه بوعده ووعيده