
Greed impels me toward avarice,

شرهي يدافع بي إلى الطمع

1. Greed impels me toward avarice,
And covetousness pushes me toward asceticism.

١. شرهي يدافع بي إلى الطمع
والحرص يدفع بي إلى الورع

2. The livelihoods of this world are turbid
Between the clear forbidden and the repugnant.

٢. ومعائشٌ الدنيا مكدّرةٌ
بين الحرام النصّ والشنعِ

3. Its ambiguities resemble the intense heat,
And its prohibitions are surrounded by alarm.

٣. شبهاتُها بالحرّ مزريَةٌ
وحرامها قد حفّ بالفزَعِ

4. I was not pleased with it in small amounts when
It passes, nor did I exceed being content.

٤. لم ارض منها بالقليل لما
يقضى ولا جاوزت مقتنعي

5. Except as the lover is pleased when
The beloved abandons him in the prime of passion.

٥. إلا كما راضي المحبّ إذا
هجرَ الحبيب بأيسرِ الولع

6. I struggled with it, so its gifts
Departed from me, and I could not endure the alarm,

٦. نازعتُها فزوَت مواهبها
عنّي فلم أصبر على الفزع

7. And the wound weighs heavily, and the wounded one sees
The abandonment of the beloved as the need for pain.

٧. والجرح يثقل والجريح يَرى
هجرَ الحبيبِ بحاجةِ الوجع