
This night has dragged on, cloaked in black attire,

طال هذا الليل واستغشي

1. This night has dragged on, cloaked in black attire,
My heart's refrain, my worries and my pillow,

١. طال هذا الليل واستغ
شى بأثواب السواد

2. O you who've turned from me, with harshness and remoteness,
The night has donned mourning clothes upon your departure,

٢. وأنيني طيّ قلبي
وهمومي وسهادي

3. As though the skies and the horizons were inked with grief,
As though the night conspired to undo our love.

٣. أيها المعرض عني
بسلوّ وبعاد

٤. لبس الليل على هج
رك أثواب الحداد

٥. وكأن الجو والأق
طار ليقت بمداد

٦. وكأن الليل واطا
ك على نقض الوداد