1. When the crafty one draws near and approaches you
Seeking to obtain what he desires from your nobility
١. إذا ما العكبريّ دنا وأدنى
إليك من المروءة ما تريد
2. And advice and hesitation do not deter him
Nor does more of your friendship suffice him
٢. وما حضك النصيحة والتواني
وليس على مودته مزيد
3. Beware there, do not come close, be cautious
Of his harm, he is a cunning, deceitful snake
٣. هناك توقّه بل خفه واحذر
أذاه فإنّه أفعى زرود
4. If you seek earnestness from him, he will twist and writhe
And how will you gain good from an envious one
٤. إذا طالبته جداوه ألوى
وكيف بنيلك الجدوى الحسود
5. He inclines towards happiness and desires it
Whenever he sees some new good
٥. يلين إلى السرور ويشتهيه
إذا ما الخير أبصره جديد