
O you who honored the Christians through one of their kind

يا من أعز النصارى بابن جنسهم

1. O you who honored the Christians through one of their kind
John son of Isaac after humiliation and war

١. يا من أعزّ النصارى بابن جنسهم
يحيى بن إسحاق بعد الذل والحرب

2. Be angry for your religion and prevent those who would abuse it
For all of it has fallen into misery and ruin

٢. اغضب لدينك وامنع من تهضّمهِ
فقد هوى كلّه للويل والعطب

3. And send to it a just leader whom all people would be satisfied with
One of pure Turkish origin or from the rest of the Arabs

٣. وابعث له عادلا ترضى خلائقهُ
من خالص الترك أو من سائر العرب